I am responsible for maintaining our IT infrastructure at IDA, mostly regarding the systems of the working group Said (previously working group Ernst).
Our IT setup mostly relies on Linux based systems that are housed at the GITZ (TUBS computing center) server room. For student labs and other student activities we maintain a pool of Linux workstations in our student lab rooms, plus application servers as needed.
As one of IDA's “DV Koordinators” I am also working with the GITZ and the systems they provide for us.
I am not available to supervise student work like Bachelor or Master theses. However, most of my colleagues are, so if you are interested please fill out the our questionnaire form.
Leonie Ahrendts and Sophie Quinton and Thomas Boroske and Rolf Ernst, "Verifying Weakly-Hard Real-Time Properties of Traffic Streams in Switched Networks" in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (ECRTS 2018), July 2018. |
Thomas Boroske, "Entwicklung eines Programmpakets zur Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit der Parametereinstellungen bei der Stereodatenkompression", Diplomarbeit, TU BS, September 2013. IDA-Signatur: DA 13-04 |