Im Rahmen des Projekts UNICARagil, welches sich der Erforschung von hochautomatisiertem Fahren im Automobilbereich widmet, beschäftige ich mich mit der Modellierung sowie der Analyse von Dienste-basierten Systemen, hinsichtlich der Erfüllung strenger Echtzeits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen. Im Fokus stehen zudem Konzepte des modularen Systementwurfs und der Absicherung von Komponenten-übergreifenden Ende-zu-Ende-Latenzen.
Jonas Peeck and Rolf Ernst, "Improving Worst-case TSN Communication Times of Large Sensor Data Samples by Exploiting Synchronization", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol. 22, No. 5s, pp. 1-25, September 2023. |
Alex Bendrick, Jonas Peeck and Rolf Ernst, "An Error Protection Protocol for the Multicast Transmission of Data Samples in V2X Applications", ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, August 2023. |
Jonas Peeck, Robin Hapka and Rolf Ernst, "Efficient hard real-time implementation of CNNs on multi-core architectures" in 2023 IEEE 47th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 79-90, IEEE, Juni 2023. |
Jonas Peeck, Mischa Möstl, Tasuku Ishigooka and Rolf Ernst, "A Protocol for Reliable Real-time Wireless Communication of Large Data Samples", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Juni 2023. IDA-Signatur: peeck2023protocol |
Jonas Peeck and Rolf Ernst, "Enabling Multi-Link Data Transmission for Collaborative Sensing in Open Road Scenarios" in Enabling Multi-Link Data Transmission for Collaborative Sensing in Open Road Scenarios, Association for Computing Machinery, Januar 2023. |
Jonas Peeck, Mischa Möstl, Tasuku Ishigooka and Rolf Ernst, "A middleware protocol for time-critical wireless communication of large data samples" in 2021 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dezember 2021. |
Jonas Peeck, Johannes Schlatow and Rolf Ernst, "Online latency monitoring of time-sensitive event chains in ROS2", TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, Januar 2021, doi: 10.24355/dbbs.084-202101271521-0. |
Kai-Björn Gemlau, Jonas Peeck, Nora Sperling, Phil Hertha and Rolf Ernst, "A new design for data-centric Ethernet communication with tight synchronization requirements for automated vehicles" in 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Januar 2019. |
Mischa Möstl, Johannes Schlatow, Jonas Peeck, Rolf Ernst, Marcus Nolte, Inga Jatzkowski, Markus Maurer and Anna Jankowski, "Controlling Concurrent Change: Managing In-Field Change in Critical Embedded Systems" in 2018 12th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME), pp. 107-112, September 2018. |
Jonas Peeck, "Selection, implementation and testing of a fault annotation method for Cross-Layer Dependency Analysis", Masterarbeit, TUBS, August 2018. IDA-Signatur: MA 18-06 |
Jonas Peeck, "Implementierung einer Monitoringstrategie für ein komponentenbasiertes System", Bachelorarbeit, TU Braunschweig, April 2015. IDA-Signatur: BA 15-03 |