Ich unterstütze meine Kollegen beim Praktikum für den rechnergestützten Entwurf digitaler Schaltungen.
Nora Sperling, Alex Bendrick, Dominik Stöhrmann and Rolf Ernst, "Caching in Automated Data Centric Vehicles for Edge Computing Scenarios" in 2023 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Juli 2023. |
Kai-Björn Gemlau, Nora Sperling and Rolf Ernst, "Efficient Timing Isolation for Mixed-Criticality Communication Stacks in Performance Architectures" in 2022 27th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA )., September 2022, BEST PAPER AWARD. |
Nora Sperling, "Increasing the efficiency of an embedded filter stack with hardware support", Masterarbeit, TUBS, Juli 2021. IDA-Signatur: MA 21-06 |
Kai-Björn Gemlau, Jonas Peeck, Nora Sperling, Phil Hertha and Rolf Ernst, "A new design for data-centric Ethernet communication with tight synchronization requirements for automated vehicles" in 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Januar 2019. |
Nora Sperling, "Analyse der Speicher-verwaltung des LwIP TCP/IP Stacks", Master's Thesis, TUBS, April 2019. IDA-Signatur: BA 19-05 |