CPA (compositional performance analysis) is an approach to formal performance analysis of large embedded systems that has been developed at IDA in many projects over more than 10 years. CPA has been commercialized as SymTA/S by the IDA spin-off, Symtavision. SymTA/S is a comprehensive Software-Toolbox for formal performance analysis and optimization of embedded systems. It is used in regular design processes throughout the international automotive industry and has been applied in other domains, such as avionics. Research at IDA continues with new models and analysis techniques using the research tool pyCPA.
Many related projects with industry are executed by the TTZ "Embedded Systems" of the TU Braunschweig innovation center iTUBS
In collaboration of 8 TU Braunschweig professors plus Ph.D. students, the DFG funded Research Group CCC pursued a novel approach to change in critical applications