Completed Research
Completed research projects
- ERIKA (Elektromobilität mit Redundanter Intelligenter Kommunikations-Architektur)
OFDM based future in-vehicle network
Project Research staff: Dominik Stöhrmann
Collaboration of Industry, Universities and Fraunhofer Society
Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) (ended 2022) - Typical Worst Case Analysis
Compositional Performance Analysis (CPA) of typical worst-case system performance
Project staff: Dr.-Ing. Leonie Köhler (now CARIAD), Dr. Sophie Quinton (now INRIA)
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Industry, ended 2021 - RT-proofs
Formal proofs for real-time analysis algorithms
Project staff (IDA): Dr.-Ing. Leonie Köhler (now CARIAD), Dr. Borislav Nikolic (now Continental)
Research collaboration between TU Braunschweig, INRIA, MPI-SWS, Onera and Verimag
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France, ended 2022 - BASIS (Building Automation durch ein Skalierbares & Intelligentes System) (EA and DM&DA)
(engl. Building Automation with a scalable and smart system)
Networked embedded platform approach integrating building automation, smart energy, and medical/AAL applications
project description currently only in German
Project research staff: Dr. Harald Schrom (coordinator), et al.
Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) ended 2020 - SAFURE (Safety And Security By Design For Interconnected Mixed-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems) (EA & DM&DA)
SAFURE targets the design of cyber-physical systems by implementing a methodology that ensures safety and security "by construction".
Project Research staff: Robin Hofmann (now Scania), Borislav Nikolic (now Continental)
Funding: EU (H2020) - EMC2 (Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments) (EA and DM&DA)
ARTEMIS Innovation Pipeline Project
Project Research Staff: Adam Kostrzewa
Funding: ARTEMIS (EU/BMBF) - ASTEROID (An Analyzable, Resilient, Embedded Real-time Operating System Design) (EA and DM&DA)
Design of a many-core operating system with reliable real-time behavior even under hardware faults
Project research staff: Eberle Rambo (now Apple), Thawra Kadeed, Philip Axer (now NXP)
Collaboration with Prof. Herman Härtig, TU Dresden - IDAMC (Integrated Dependable Architecture for Many Cores)
Configurable manycore platform infrastructure used by many projects, such as RECOMP, CERTAINTY, ASTEROID, ARAMIS, EMC2 - ARAMIS 2 (Automotive, Railway and Avionic Multicore Systems)
Multi- and Manycore Architectures for Safety Critical Embedded Systems in Transport Applications (Automotive, Avionics, Trains)
Project Research Staff: Sebastian Tobuschat (now NXP), Adam Kostrzewa
Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BmBF)
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Research Priority Program "Dependable Systems" - ARAMIS
- Internet-of-Energy
- Modewaves
- Flexelerator
- Virtual Mirror
Organic Computing (EPOC)
- Ekreit
- Sureal
- Wormhole
- FlexFilm
- Summer Lake
- FLEUR: Entwicklung flexibler SoC Entwurfsmethoden
- Entwurf von eingebetteten Hardware/Software-Systemen mit der SPI-Workbench
- Hardware/Software Co-Synthese mit COSYMA
- Rapid Prototyping für Steuerungssysteme mit harten Zeitbedingungen
- Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme für die Mobilkommunikation im EU-Projekt MEDIA
- SymTA/S (ältere Teile)
- Sonderforschungsbereich 420 Flugmesstechnik